Need Help Winning Back Your Ex?

I'll help you build a plan that's tailored specifically to your unique situation.

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Many people can apply the stratgies outlined in my Ex Factor Guide program word for word.

Sometimes, though, you may face a unique situation that can't be resolved with generic advice or inflexible strategies.

Think You'll Be Fine? Going It Alone Can Be Dangerous!

If you're faced with this kind of unusual or confusing scenario, things can quickly spin out of control and begin to feel hopeless.

Unless you can quickly adapt your strategy to suit the situation, you may get caught off guard and unknowingly make a mistake that could permenantly ruin your chances of ever getting your ex back.

Let me put it this way: if you're not a mechanic and know absolutely nothing about cars, would you try to fix the engine in your brand new BMW?

Of course not! There's a good chance you'd just end up doing more damage. If you're sensible, you won't take the risk... you'll hire a reputable, trained mechanic to repair the car properly.

So, if you wouldn't trust yourself to perform complicated car repairs, why would you trust yourself to fix your complicated relationship problems?

I've Been There Before, And I've Learned What Works

I don't know a damned thing about repairing your new BMW... but I do know how to fix your broken relationship.

I've read all the relationship psychology textbooks, and I've combed through the research studies.

Over the past ten years, I've helped thousands of people around the world get a second chance with their ex. I've seen first-hand what works and what doesn't.

and, most importantly, I've learned how to adapt the proven strategies in my program to suit almost every scenario.

I'll Guide You Through The Process, From Start To Finish

Maybe you need some expert guidance to get through in a sticky situation...

Maybe you want help interpreting your ex's confusing signals...

Or even if you just want someone to vent to...

Whatever your ex may throw at you, I'm just an email away, and we'll tackle it together.

What Are You Waiting For?

Choose a subscription plan below and sign up now -- I look forward to talking with you soon!

My Personal Guarantee To You

  • If you keep your emails relatively brief, I will usually be able to reply within 24-48 hours.
  • In the unlikely event I do not reply to an email within 72 hours, I will extend your coaching subscription by one week for free.
  • There are no refunds, however you may cancel your coaching subscription at any time and still continue to receive coaching for 30 days after your last payment.
  • All email correspondance is strictly confidental. I will never sell or disclose your personal information.
  • Subscription payments are processed by using secure encryption technology. Your credit card statement will simply show a charge from "LOVELEARNS".

Ready To Get Started? Click The Button Below!

IMPORTANT: By clicking the button above and registering for Personal Email Coaching, you are indicating that you have read and agree to the Terms & Conditions.

I'm looking forward to talking with you soon!

Best regards,


Brad Browning